Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Rememberance....

Wouldn't it be nice to have a world without war?  It seems a shame that with all the technical and scientific advances we have discovered or invented  over the years we can't find a better way to resolve our differences then to war among ourselves. 

We have lost a number of our young people to war over the years. For my generation it was Vietnam that took so many lives. Today it is Iraq and Afghanistan. It doesn't matter what party your identify with or your stance on the war. Memorial Day is a day to remember all who died in the service of their country.

Local Memorial Events:
1. The city of Redondo Beach invites South Bay veterans and residents to its 2010 Memorial Day ceremony from noon to 11:30 -12:30. at the Veterans Park by the Redondo Beach pier, at Catalina Avenue and Torrance Boulevard.

The 25th annual Memorial Day Observance at Green Hills Memorial Park will be from 10 a.m. to noon Monday.

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