Lots of controversy and buzz words flying around on this one. All of us who live in a South Bay Beach City have seen traffic and density increase over the years. No one is happy about the amount of traffic on Sepulveda/PCH during rush hours or any time of day. That said; I'm not sure the proposed initiative is the best way to control development in the city. Terms like Development Mafia and will of the people are just hype and don't really address meaningful standards for future development.
The idea of having an election to decide development usage and land use changes on a case by case basis makes no sense. Think about the turn out for a general election; usually less then 50% of potential voters .... you will have a lot fewer people particpating on a local level. So it will be hard to say an election reflects the will of the people as advocates proclaim unless everyone shows up for the election. As for special interests... how naive are we to think there won't be any money changing hands to persuade people to vote the right way. If you think I'm wrong just remember back a few weeks ago to all the initiatives on the November ballot and the money spent on pro and con positions on each. Granted a local election won't call out the big guns but it certainly will provide lots of places for special interest groups to spend money. Do you really think that everyone who votes in the special election will be informed on the issues or will they just vote the way their neighbor says to vote.
One other thing; elections cost money. Who will decide when to have an election? Will they have to wait until a general election or will the city have to cough up money for a special election? Is it fair to a developer if he has to wait 12-24 months to get an election going to decide if he can build on the proposed site? No matter what Mr. Light says there will be lots of litigation over this one.. and guess who will foot that bill.... yep the City of Redondo Beach.
If the citizens of Redondo Beach really want change as to how land is used then they need to elect council members who reflect their land use views. If you want to cut density then push for changes in zoning. Change all current zoning from multiple (R-2+) zoning to single family only (R-1) zoning for future development on any parcel in the city. Oh, but maybe it's not your land use you want changed... just the other guy's property use. There is an old saying...be careful what you wish for as you just might get it!
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